Tale rastlina se originalno imenuje "
blessed thistle", družine
Asteracea in je doma v mediteranskem okolju. Je starodavna rastlina "domače lekarne" za razne čaje. Delali so znanstvene poskuse in pravijo, da z njim da omogoča rast živčnih fibrov (axon), a je treba biti previden pri doziranju. Torej ne premalo in ne preveč, ampak "ravno prav".
Slovenska imena, ki sem jih uspel zvlečt iz Copilot-a so, in označujejo isto rastlino:
- Pegasti badelj
- Blaženi osat
The Slovenian translation for “blessed thistle” (Cnicus benedictus) is “Blaženi osat” 1. This herb, also known as St. Benedict’s thistle, holy thistle, and spotted thistle, belongs to the family Asteraceae and is native to the Mediterranean region, ranging from Portugal to southern France and east to Iran 2. It has various uses, including medicinal properties and the ability to make herbal teas from its greens 3. If you’re considering growing blessed thistle in your garden, ensure it receives full sunlight and well-draining soil. Remember to check local regulations, as it can become invasive when it flowers.
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